Regrowing your hairline is a marathon, not a sprint. I did my first PRP session in October 2022 and have been working consistently since then to get my edges back to their former, full glory. In addition to PRP, one…
PRP update: How I un-snatched my edges with platelet-rich plasma
In October 2022, I started my platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, journey to help regrow my edges that were thinned out badly due to stress, covid, and a tight weave. After three sessions, spaced a month apart, I experienced significant hair…
Before & After: How platelet-rich plasma saved my edges
I’ve always had a difficult relationship with my hairline. My edges are naturally on the thinner side but between stress, a too tight hairstyle, and a bout of covid, they were on life support. After a lot of research, supplements,…